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Navigating the Transition to Adult Healthcare as a College Student

A three picture series to help depict transition from pediatric to adulthood

The Challenge of Moving from a Pediatrician to an Adult Primary Care Doctor

This summer, I faced a problem many college students experience: transitioning from pediatric to adult care. Moving from a pediatrician to an adult primary care doctor isn’t something we talk about much, but it’s important for our health. The CDC reports that only about 15% of young adults aged 18-21 successfully make this healthcare transition, which means many of us might struggle when we need medical care.

Caught in a Gap: No Doctor, No Medication Refill

I needed a refill for my medication, so I contacted my pediatrician. But to my surprise, they told me they couldn’t help anymore and that I needed to find a new adult primary care doctor. Suddenly, I was stuck—I needed care, but I didn’t have a doctor who could help. It was frustrating, and it made me realize how important it is to be ready for this transition from pediatric to adult care.

Why It’s So Important to Be Prepared

Switching from a pediatrician to an adult primary care doctor is a big deal, but many of us don’t think about it until it’s too late. Pediatricians often stop seeing patients when they reach a certain age, and finding a new doctor can take a long time. If you’re not prepared, you might end up like I did—without a doctor when you need one. The CDC says that not being ready for this college students’ healthcare transition can lead to delays in getting the care you need, which can cause bigger problems down the road.

How to Make the Transition Smoother

Here are some steps I wish I had known about to feel better prepared for this transition from pediatric to adult care:

  1. Ask your pediatrician when they will stop seeing you: Find out early so you can start planning to switch to an adult primary care doctor.
  2. Gather and organize your medical records: Make sure you get copies of your health records, including any important medical history and ongoing treatments. Keep them all in one place, like Primary Record, so they’re easy to access and share with your new adult primary care doctor. This can make the transition smoother and ensure your new doctor has all the information they need.
  3. Involve your parents or guardians: Primary Record lets you invite your parents to help fill in details from when you were younger that you might not remember well. This ensures all your important health information is included. Using the audio recording feature in notes helped my parents quickly capture history they remembered about my health.
  4. Start looking for a new doctor early: Don’t wait until you need one to start searching. Finding the right adult primary care doctor can take time.
  5. Learn how to advocate for yourself: Be prepared to explain your health history clearly and your needs to your new doctor. This was easier with Primary Record’s Chat Assistant, so I could always find the answers my new doctor was asking me!

Helpful Resources: Got Transition and Their Toolkit

During my frustrating experience of transitioning from pediatric to adult care, I discovered the advocacy group Got Transition. Finding their resources made me realize that I wasn’t alone in having a tough time with this change—many others have faced similar challenges. I came across their Primary Care Provider Toolkit for Supporting Transition of Youth from Pediatric to Adult Health Care, which is aimed at healthcare providers. Reading through it, I couldn’t help but wish that my pediatrician had known about these resources and applied them to my situation. It would have made me feel more supported and less alone during the transition.

How Your Family Can Help with the Transition

One great feature of Primary Record is that it’s designed for families. While I took charge of organizing my health records, I could also invite my parents to help. This was super useful because they could remember details from when I was younger that I couldn’t. Having them involved made sure nothing important was missed during my healthcare transition.

Don’t Get Caught Unprepared

I hope sharing my experience helps other college students avoid the same frustration I went through. Transitioning from a pediatrician to an adult primary care doctor is important, and being prepared makes it much easier. With some planning and the right tools, like Primary Record, you can ensure you always have the care you need during your transition from pediatric to adult care.

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Jim McIntosh, co-founder of Primary Record, understands firsthand why a tool like this is so important. His daughter Mia, who has Down syndrome, inspired his deep appreciation for how vital it is to empower individuals with IDD. Now 20 years old, Mia can confidently share her health story.
A busy mom is using Primary Record on her phone to record a note.
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